21-23 Mar 2018 Nancy (France)

Past history

These travelling workshops took place in Autrans in 2017, in Bordeaux in 2016, in Saint-Brévin in 2015, in Fréjus in 2014. They were previously known as Journées Dynamo.

These workshops allow young searchers (PhD or post-doctoral fellows) to show up in front of the community by giving a talk about their work.


This workshop will take place from wednesday 21 to Friday 23.

It will begin in the early afternoon with possibility to have luch at the workshop site. It will end around noon still with the possibility to have lunch at the workshop.


Talks will be given by the following speakers:

Abatangelo Nicola (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Aghili Joubine (Inria & Université Côte d'Azur)

Bonaldi Francesco (MOX, Politecnico di Milano)

Breden Maxime (Technical University of Munich)

Buffe Rémi (IECL, Nancy)

Burtea Cosmin (Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon)

Castéras Jean-Baptiste (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Collot Charles (New York University in Abu Dhabi)

Courtès Clémentine (IRMA, Université de Strasbourg)

Danchin Raphaël (LAMA, Université Paris-Est Créteil)

Duykaerts Thomas (LAGA, Université Paris 13)

Etchegaray Christele (IMT, Toulouse)

Faupin Jérémy (IECL, Metz)

Griette Quentin (Meiji University, Tokyo)

Herda Maxime (LJLL, Paris)

Logak Elisabeth (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)

Rodiac Rémy (Université Catholique de Louvain)

Scrobogna Stefano (BCAM, Bilbao)

Sy Mouhamadou (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)

Vilaça Da Rocha Victor (BCAM, Bilbao)


Plan of the webpage

You can find on the web site of the worshop JEF18 many important informations.

- Programm:
An up to date programm is accessible here. The book of titles and abstracts of the talks and posters is accessible here (mainly in french).

- Registration:
Registration is now closed. If you have a question or a remark, please send an email to the contact address jef18@sciencesconf.org

- Place/acces map:
Information about how to get to Nancy will be given here.

- Tips:
Meals during the conference will be free of charge, accomodation should be free of charge, depending on the number of participants. You will find in the Tips section some informations about your stay.

Scientific comitee

Valeria Banica, Karine Beauchard, Franck Boyer, Mathieu Colin, David Dos Santos Ferreira, Thierry Gallay, Julien Lequeurre, Frédéric Robert

Organization staff

David Dos Santos Ferreira, Hélène Jouve, Julien Lequeurre, Frédéric Robert



Photo credit

Background image: Collections École Polytechnique / Jérémy Barande (see here)
Header image: Panorama place stanislas nancy d'Emmanuel Faivre (see here)
Poster image: Static Dynamic Gradation by Paul Klee in the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (see here)

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